Darwin and the Art of Botany
Oak Spring Garden Foundation is hosting a lecture and book signing at City Tavern Club on Thursday.

You’re invited to a very special talk on Darwin and the Art of Botany November 2, 2023 at City Tavern Club from 10:30 am until 12 noon. Purchase tickets here.
Charles Darwin is best known for his work on the evolution of animals, but in fact a large part of his contribution to the natural sciences is focused on plants. His observations are crucial to our modern understanding of everything from the amazing pollination process of orchids to the way that vines climb.

Join authors Bobbi Angell and James Costa, with Professor Ned Friedman, Director of the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University and recipient of the 2022 Garden Club of America Medal of Honor, for an illustrated lecture based on the upcoming release of Darwin and the Art of Botany: Observations on the Curious World of Plants.
Historian James Costa will walk attendees through writings from often overlooked texts devoted entirely to plants. In conjunction with scholar Ned Friedman, James Costa will situate Darwin’s words in the context of the knowledge and research of the time while showcasing remarkable botanical art from the Library at the Oak Spring Garden Foundation (each paired to an excerpt in the book).
Attendees will walk away with a new way of visualizing Darwin's work on plants, and a greater appreciation of the ways in which he shaped our understanding of the world around us.
City Tavern Club is located at 3206 M Street in Georgetown.