DC and Rehoboth Beach Just Got Better With New Ice Cream Outlets

My two favorite coffee shops now both have started serving ice cream. Java House, on 17th and Q Street NW, in DC is serving Gelato. The Coffee Mill in Rehoboth Beach has opened a sister store, The Mill Creamery, ten steps across the courtyard serving local Hopkins Creamery ice cream. Both are welcoming and a place to meet friends. I start my days with coffee at 7:00am and have been going to both places for over twenty years.

The Java House is where my morning coffee group meets; it’s like a second family. During the pandemic when we didn’t meet in person, we had a zoom call seven days a week at 8:00am. It was a lifesaver for those like me who live alone. It didn’t matter where people quarantined, they could join in. Now DC is open again and we are back at Java meeting in person.
Over the past year Payam Yazdani has made some changes at Java. One thing that hasn’t changed is the welcome everyone gets from Yiftusera (Bebe) Ashagre. For over twenty years Bebe has been there Monday to Friday morning serving coffee, bagels, muffins or eggs prepared by Norma. Bebe knows us well and if she sees us coming down the block our coffee is on the counter waiting. She has celebrated holidays, birthdays and marriages with our group.
There are some new additions to Java. There is now an awning over the entire patio which can be enclosed with drop panels and additional tables with bright red umbrellas on the street. The biggest change is Java now serves Gelato. Beginning at noon there is a wide selection of flavors and it’s been a big hit with everyone. Try the Espresso Shake – espresso and ice cream blended or the Affogato which is ice cream with a shot of espresso poured on top. You won’t regret it.
At my second home in Rehoboth Beach my morning favorite is The Coffee Mill in the Rehoboth Mews between Baltimore and Rehoboth Avenues. Owners Mel Damascena and Bob Cartwright welcome me at 7:00am every morning I am at the beach. I let friends know when I am coming and they know that is where they can find me every morning. During the pandemic inside seating was closed but now it is once again open so rain or shine it’s the place for morning coffee, pastries, and breakfast at the beach.

July 4th weekend Mel and Bob opened The Mill Creamery right across the courtyard from The Coffee Mill. They are serving the delicious local Hopkins creamery ice cream and it’s been a hit with both locals and visitors from the day they opened. They have these great round glass ice cream tables and colorful chairs for seating inside and even moved some outside. A group of friendly local youngsters serve you. The great thing with Mill Creamery being right across from the Coffee Mill is on rainy mornings they will open it for more seating and you can enjoy your coffee and breakfast staying dry while thinking about the ice cream you will come back for later in the day.
As I always say; Everything is better with a little ice cream!