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Declutter Your Life with Jenny Albertini

M.M. La Fleur hosts workshop on March 20th.

Join organizing expert and local author Jenny Albertini on March 20 for an empowering workshop at M.M.LaFleur (1344 Wisconsin Ave NW) focused on fostering open conversation and cutting through the shame that’s often associated with clutter. Jenny will share her expert insights, guiding you through actionable steps to intentionally curate the things that bring you joy and let go of what’s holding you back, both mentally and physically. Purchase a signed copy of Jenny’s book, Decluttered, and curate a spring edit with M.M.LaFleur’s expert styling team. Drinks and light bites will be provided.

In addition to several other upcoming events, M.M.LaFleur is currently offering 10% off in-store to assist those facing unexpected unemployment.

Jenny Albertini has been organizing health systems and closets around the world for more than two decades.  She left a high-flying career in international health to train under Marie Kondo and become one of her first certified KonMari consultants, where she focused on finding joy within piles of clutter. While putting in thousands of hours of professional organizing Jenny has been featured on PBS, NBC, in the Washington Post, WSJ, Apartment Therapy and many other media outlets.  Recognized for her work fighting the AIDS epidemic while waging war on clutter, she has found a unique way to infuse public health into the professional organizing field.  Jenny’s first bookDecluttered: Mindful Organizing for Health, Home and Beyond was published in Spring of 2024.  She lives in Washington, DC.