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Five Things I Can't Live Without

Not counting family, friends and pets. Or masks.

In the last six months, what have you discovered about yourself? What habits did you forgo, begin, rethink? How have you changed the way you spend your time and money? Any revelations you’d like to share? Please send either as comments below or to me directly if you’d like to post on The Dish.

I’ll go first:

1. Fresh flowers. A friend gifted me air plants recently so watching grass grow is my new favorite hobby. The indulgent luxe version is anything from my very, very favorite florist, Ultra Violet! But I fill vases with fresh blooms weekly.

Judith Beermann
Judith Beermann

2. European streaming services. Almost everything on MHz, Acorn and Britbox. I’ve spent the summer sleuthing in France, The Netherlands, England, Ireland with a quick weekend jaunt to Istanbul after Midsummer's Eve in Sweden. Now back to Ystad after a few weeks in Norway.


3. Anti-aging supplements. I’ve been a fan of hair-growing Nutrafol for a few years. Just added collagen peptides, flax and pomegranate seeds to my morning smoothies.

Judith beermann
Judith beermann

4. Alcohol. Not so anti-aging, but essential just the same. Wine, wine, wine plus my new decadent pleasure: sipping Casa Dragones tequila before and 40-year-old port after dinner.

Judith Beermann
Judith Beermann

5. Art. Some form of creative expression, always. But recently, I’ve resumed painting after 15 years of mostly doing graphic design and photography.

Judith Beermann
Judith Beermann