Healthier Habits Start Now
If you think you need healthier habits, you do.

December is a smorgasbord of eating, drinking, socializing, traveling, and stressing, all wrapped into one busy month and tied up with a big, red bow. It's also when we envision how the next year will save us from the unproductive habits that keep us locked in frustrating behavior patterns.
Remember, no one is holding you hostage and forcing you to have that gingerbread latte.
Every year December becomes the tipping point. Little things begin to add up, schedules change, and you adopt the mindset of dealing with things in January. Why wait when there are easy little steps you can take now that will make a healthier January easier?
The symptoms below affect most people between Thanksgiving and New Year's.
Holiday overwhelm
Belly bloat
Stress and Anxiety
Low energy
Brain fog
Skipped workouts
Too much booze, caffeine, and sugar and not enough fruits and vegetables
Snug clothes
Worries about future wellness
It happens to everyone, and I have even found myself wishing for a night of the Hallmark Channel in my jammies with a big clean salad!
I am delighted to share easy habits that allow you to enjoy the holiday festivities while giving you a head start on those January wellness goals. These little hacks give you a sense of control in times of overwhelm, lower stress, improve sleep and energy, reduce belly bloat and brain fog, helping you to look and feel better now!
As a wellness coach, I ALWAYS start with proper hydration. Because most adults are walking around partially dehydrated, and hydration is the one habit that improves every symptom listed above. It's easy when you know the basics, and it's practically free.
Tips For Hydrating Better:
-Start each morning with a big glass of room temperature or warm lemon water.
-Consume at least half of your body weight in ounces of water throughout the day.
-Sip at least 8 oz of water an hour for 8-10 hours daily, starting with that first glass in the morning when you wake up.
-Boost your water with natural electrolytes.
Get all my best tips in The Busy Woman's Cheat Sheet For Keeping Weight Off Over The Holidays. You will be delighted by how easy it is to end 2022 with habits that set you up for future wellness and a body you love.
So raise a glass of water and start hydrating.
Eat Well. Be Well.