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It’s Time For Spring Eating

Make daylight savings the catalyst to get on track with healthy habits.

After long winter months filled with holiday eating and using food for entertainment and comfort spring is here, and it’s time to get unstuck from habits that have added pounds to your scale and inches to your waist. 

One of the most critical relationships in your life is your relationship with food and eating. And it can also be one of the most frustrating. Too often, there is a gap between the body you desire and repeated efforts to achieve it. Diets don’t work!

43% of what most humans do every day is mindless repetition; we don't think we just do. These autopilot habits are a way of not being present in the moment; it's doing without thinking. 

I have said it many times, mindless eating is the enemy of mindful health. Old familiar patterns of behavior around food are the very things keeping most people in a constant battle with their bodies. 

If you want more energy, stress less, and to lose a few pounds, it's time to get un-stuck.

Unproductive patterns of behavior around food and eating keep most people stuck. Over the years, I have helped thousands of people cut through wellness overwhelm and find a starting point for lasting wellness change. Because it’s hard to figure out what to change to get the results you want. Anyone can spend hours on Google and become overwhelmed to the point of staying stuck.

Let me be frank. If you want to change your body or health, doing more of what you already do is not the answer. In order to thrive and create a body you love have you to align your habits with your big picture wellness goals. Make that 43% of mindless repetition work for you.

Simple, effective food habits will radically transform your life because food is 80%of the wellness equation.

To make spring eating a little easier here are some of my favorite recipes to get your palate excited to support your wellness goals.

Kristens Lemon And Shallot Vinaigrette 
Pistachio Soup
Baked Salmon with Fennel and Grapes
Sheet Pan Chicken Shawarma

If you don't want to waste another minute feeling stuck, consider a Culinary Cure Consultation. Sometimes a customized plan is just what you need for fast and effective results. It's like taking a shortcut or getting all the answers to the quiz. Wellness is easier when you have a plan.