Justin Theroux

“She looked at me and said congratulations and welcome to the family because everybody in my family was dyslexic and I went to feeling completely isolated to feeling completely embraced and held and connected. That was really the beginning of my life in the arts,” Sally Taylor told Hollywood on the Potomac at the 31st Anniversary Gala of the Lab School of Washington honoring outstanding Adults with Learning Differences. The singer-songwriter is the daughter of James Taylor and Carly Simon.
This year the awards were presented to Justin Theroux, Actor, Screenwriter and Director, currently starring in “The Leftovers” on HBO; Sally Taylor, Musician and Artist, Founder of CONSENSES; Dean Bragonier, former Martha’s Vineyard restaurateur and founder of NoticeAbility.org; and Louis “Bo” Polk, business executive and venture capitalist.
“On the one hand, it explained a lot,” Justin Theroux told us regarding the first time he realized he had a learning difference,”because I wasn’t doing well in school. On the one hand it was slightly depressing and then again, it was slightly liberating, I guess, when you realize at least ‘I’m not crazy and there’s not anything necessarily wrong with me.'”
Earlier in the day, the honorees spent the day visiting The Lab School and engaging with the students via a Q and A assembly where they had the opportunity to hear personally how these successful people struggled with many of the issues that they themselves face.