Playbook Cocktails

Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) joined Politico’s Mike Allen for another round of the popular Playbook Cocktails series at The Newseum where the progressive Democrat and the conservative Republican bantered about everything from politics to baseball with political junkies and interns wanting free drinks.
The ‘strange bedfellows’ had introduced legislation to reform the nation’s broken criminal justice system the day before. Named the REDEEM act, it will give Americans convicted of non-violent crimes a second chance. The issue brought the two parties together to form a ‘bromance’ as Allen called it. “He promised me he’s gonna shave his head if we get this thing passed,” insisted Booker. “I’m just wondering if we could get a reality show and if Ethics would allow us to get any compensation,” quipped Paul in response.