Pop-up Chalet Holiday Markets
Holiday shopping in Georgetown.

Neighbors Diverse Community (DC) is activating four wintry chalets throughout Georgetown that will feature local vendor goods, plus information on GLOW.
Stop by Friday – Sunday from 1:00 pm – 8:00 pm, now through December 17.
Pop-ups include Howell’s Standard, a family-owned raw and infused honey and tea business (3000 K St NW, by Washington Harbour); Donna Faye’s Bakery, serving up Chicago-style butter cookies, pound cakes, granola, and hot beverages to go (M Street NW, near PNC Bank); Raw Blossom skincare made from raw, sustainable and natural ingredients (Wisconsin Ave NW, near Pinstripes); and A Contemporary Market, selling luxury lifestyle goods (Wisconsin Ave & 33rd St NW).