Second Term For Our Marriage

Unlike President Trump, our marriage is getting a second term. But like the past four years, it hasn’t been without its challenges, particularly when it comes to politics. I’m a moderate Democrat. He’s a staunch Republican. And as fate would have it, we were married on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2017. We voted for each other, but not for the same President.
A second marriage for us both, we blended six children, three black Labs, and two households in two different cities. Two of his adult children were already married when we tied the knot. One of his sons has since married and two others have had added four children in four years to our growing modern family. My youngest daughter is now in college and my oldest has recently graduated.
As for our dogs, one of his sadly passed away last year at 14, but the other two are hanging in there. Although Angus, my 141/2-year-old Lab who does most of his running and pooping in his sleep, is giving us both flashbacks from when we had newborns.
“Your turn,” my husband will say when we hear Angus’s throaty bark each morning. We alternate feeding and cleaning duties.
“He knows nothing but love, “ I always joke when speaking of Angus. I attribute his longevity to love, attention, treats and walks—a good recipe for humans as well.
“I wish I could get treated as well as Angus,” my husband kids (sort of). To which I reply, “Maybe if you voted my way, you would!”
Humor helps when you don’t agree politically. Not watching the news together also helps. The only channel we agree on is CNBC. Ironically, Squawk Box keeps us from squawking at each other. But these past few weeks have been a different story. While my husband remains a steadfast Republican, even he couldn’t deny the tragedy that unfolded in the Capitol and the leader who incited it. We both agree this is a time for healing and growth—for the country and our marriage.
When your anniversary is on Inauguration Day, it makes you reassess. How will we handle our second term? What is the state of our union?
Does our constituency of family and friends have faith in our leadership? Are we helping our children, grandchildren, aging parents, friends, pets, neighbors, strangers? Are we compassionate, kind, courageous? I’d love to say most of the time, but there’s always room for improvement.
Despite everything that happened at the U.S. Capitol, I am grateful and reassured that it is still standing and still functioning. As Abraham Lincoln said when he was criticized for continuing to build the Capitol during the Civil War, “If people see the Capitol going on, it is a sign we intend the Union shall go on.” The Capitol can be seen as a metaphor for marriages and minds. It’s taken its hits, been renovated, rebuilt, expanded. And it’s still “going on.”
As with the citizens of this country, we may have different ideas on how to get there, but we do want a more perfect Union—and union. Voting records aside, my husband and I have hope that our new President will be a unifier.
Plus, he has dogs.