Spring Garden Party at Tudor Place
Daisy Prince accepts Tudor Place honor on behalf of her mother, Mrs. Diana Prince.

Tudor Place’s Spring Garden Party brought out Georgetown’s finest.

The friends, the florals, the dazzling hats. An assemblage of sartorial splendor under a tent on a beautiful Wednesday evening.

This year’s honoree is Mrs. Diana Prince of Prince Charitable Trusts, a family foundation supporting programs in Chicago, Illinois, Washington, DC and Newport, Rhode Island. Her daughter Daisy Prince graciously accepted the tribute on behalf of her mother. “We’re incredibly fortunate stand in for my mother and for my late father, long time supporters of Tudor Place. I feel such a sense of happiness to being able to recognize this jewel in Georgetown which has such a continuity with the past. And how fortunate we are to gather again as a community. It’s fun! The Marquis de Lafayette Marquise didn’t like parties but he’d definitely like this one.”

Tudor Place’s annual fundraiser contributes over 20% of their annual operating revenue.

Guests enjoyed a lavish buffet and cocktails as they greeted friends and listened to the Foggy Bottom Whomp Stompers.