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World Heritage Day

The United States National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (US/ICOMOS) hosted their annual Celebration of World Heritage at the Cosmos Club recognizing this year’s guest of honor – philanthropist, cultural activist and architect of change Henry R. Muñoz, III for his tireless dedication in honoring and celebrating World Heritage and Latinx heritage. The honor was presented by Douglas C. Comer and Jan C. K. Anderson with special guest Representative Joaquin Castro.

Representative Joaquin Castro played a key role in the evening speaking about the importance of World Heritage and the important work of his good friend Henry Muñoz. In past years, notable recipients of the prestigious US/ICOMOS Award have included: Russell Train, Senator Patrick Leahy, Ambassador Esther Coopersmith and last year’s recipient Former Director General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova.


For decades now, Muñoz has been a leader in Latinx cultural activism, helping to secure the inscription of the San Antonio Missions as a world heritage site by UNESCO and working with the National Park Service at the U.S. Department of the Interior and the U.S. Presidential Commission to establish a proposed National Latino Museum.