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Your Name Means Dream

An intimate tragicomedy that asks what it means to be human as we embrace technology.

Your Name Means Dream at Theater J is an interesting play. It is written and directed by José Rivera. It is the story of Aislin (played by Naomi Jacobson), an older lady; and Stacy, an AI robot (played by Sara Koviak), sent by Aislin’s son to take care of her. Haley Finn, Theater J Artistic Director tells us that watching a José Rivera play is a deep dive into exploring the soul. The play looks at the difference between humans and whether AI generated robots can ever be sophisticated enough to have a soul. That is actually scary. 

Both actors are clearly incredibly talented. But the play should come with a warning, “Not for Kids.” The first scenes are laced with every dirty word you can think of used by Aislin. I guess I wasn’t all that comfortable with an older lady talking like that, and I think it was a cheap way for the playwright to get the audience’s attention. Then he kept the foul language sprinkled throughout the play. It seemed it was used mostly to get a laugh. I think there may be better ways. 

Stacy tells Aislin her AI background, and tells her that once Aislin dies, AI Stacy will be dismembered, and not be used for anyone else. That bothers Aislin as she gets to know Stacy.  As the two talk, Stacy remembers a couple of her previous incarnations. She was a sex worker, and a dancer. At one point, to highlight her memories, there is a scene where AI Stacy shows of her talents. Clearly, Sara Koviak is an amazing dancer, with a great body. But the scene goes on so long, it seems out of context with the rest of the play. 

The creative team is a big part of this play and they are uniformly superb. Set designer, Misha Kachman; Costume designer, Risa Ando; Lighting designer, Alberto Segarra; and Sound design, David Remedios. 

There is some depth to the play which can get you to think about your own life. Especially when Aislin is faced with looking at her relationship with her husband and son. You might think about how you have dealt with those closest to you. Maybe even what difference you made, or are making, in the world, and who will remember it. Then there is the whole idea of AI and robotics. It makes you think how great, and how scary the future can be.  How close to human thinking will AI get? Is that a good, or bad thing. 

Your Name Means Dream will be at Theater J through April 6, 2025. Tickets are available online.